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NPAV Case Win #1342 - NPA Nurse Beats Bullies - WorkCover & Transfer Success

Written by NPAV | Mar 2, 2023 1:54:02 AM

Many workplaces, particularly in healthcare, have a toxic culture. When the system is run by bureaucrats and administrators instead of frontline healthcare workers, those problems can manifest in many negative ways. One of the worst is bullying. Bullying can make going to work pure hell.

Bullying is particularly bad because it makes those affected feel alone, targeted and unsafe. Well, with the NPAV, you’re never alone in these situations. 

When an NPA member became the target of bullying by their colleagues and management after raising patient safety concerns, it put a huge strain on their mental health.

They reached out to NPAV seeking help for what they thought was a small issue, but as they spoke with one of our case managers, it became clear that the situation was much more serious than they had initially thought. 

Being bullied for doing the right thing takes courage. We’re very proud of our member. 

They had previously reported patient safety concerns to both AHPRA and the aged care commission. Our case manager continued to support them through this process, ensuring that their voice was heard and concerns were taken seriously.
In addition to documenting the bullying incidents, and supporting them in taking steps to address their mental health through a WorkCover claim.

With our guidance, they were able to secure WorkCover, allowing them to take some much needed time off to address mental health needs.

Additionally, the NPAV case manager had filed a formal complaint against the management, after much correspondence, they were successful in their request to transfer the member to a new facility, they are now on their way to a healthier and happier work environment.

Read more: What is bullying in the workplace? 

The NPAV is committed to protecting the rights of its members and ensuring that they have a safe and healthy workplace. This case is a prime example of how the NPAV can help members.

Why is the NPAV different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of NPAV experiencing bullying or harassment at work, or have concerns about patient safety, please submit a member support ticket on your dashboard, or contact us on 1300 263 374 -

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