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2 min read

NPAV Case Win #1377 - $14,000 Maternity Leave Win: How NPAV Holds Bureaucracy to Account


Hospital Refuses Nurse’s Maternity Leave on a Technicality. NPAA Gets it back.

Nurses put a lot of time and energy into making sure others are looked after. But what happens when your employer refuses to honour your entitlements when you need it most?

That's exactly what happened to a member, who found herself fighting for her maternity leave - after being told it would not be granted on a technicality.

After working for her employer for several years, the nurse in question had taken a break from her employment for five months. When she was re-employed, she applied for maternity leave, only to be denied on the grounds that she was not eligible for it.

Even worse, the department refused to look at her previous employment record, effectively wiping out all the years of hard work she had put in.

Feeling neglected and ignored by her employer, she turned to her union the NPAA for assistance. Fortunately, she was assigned a case manager who took the time to review her case and consult the appropriate legislation and rules before communicating to the employer that this treatment was unlawful.

But the battle was far from over. The nurse's case escalated into a grievance procedure, which dragged on for months. But with NPAA's support and expertise, she was able to stay the course and fight for her rights.

Eventually, the nurse's case was successfully resolved, and her maternity leave was approved. She was finally able to take the time she needed to care for herself and her new-born.

She also received a lovely maternity hamper courtesy of her union, the NPAA, as a congratulations for the new addition to the family, and as a ‘thank you’ for being a member over many years.

As nurses, we know that our work can be demanding, both physically and emotionally. We often put the needs of our patients before our own, and it can be easy to forget that we deserve support and a fair hearing too. NPAA is here to remind you that you are not alone.

How is the NPAV so effective in defending members during workplace issues and disputes? Our experienced and professional case managers use our unique RED™ case resolution system.

Why is the NPAV different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of NPAV and need assistance with maternity leave please submit an Member Support Form on your dashboard, or contact us on on 1300 263 374 - hotline@npav.asn.au

To find out more about NPAV and become protected today visit: https://npav.redunion.com.au/join