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Healthcare Workers

Workplace Support for AINs

Benefits of NPAA Membership for Assistants in Nursing

As an Assistant in Nursing (AIN), your role...

Behind the Membership Fees: NPAV vs. ANMF VIC

ANMF Victoria Full Time membership costs $643.94, whereas NPAV membership is notably lower at...

Case Win Code Black: Nursing Union stands side by side with Nurses.

A PACU Nurses Code Black Experience

A nurse's journey is often characterised by heart-warming...

Case Win NPAV Nurse Union Defends Member In Fact-Finding Investigation

Empowering Nurses to Call Out Workplace Conditions

The Nurses' Professional Association of Victoria...

NPAV Case Win #1424 NPAV Defends Nurse Against Hazardous Conditions

Empowering Nurses to Call Out Workplace Conditions

The Nurses' Professional Association of Victoria...

NPAV Case Win #1386 A Nurse's $10,000 Triumph with NPAV

From Adversity to Advocacy: An NPAA Nurse's Victory Against Workplace Injustice

A professional...

NPAV: A Nurses' Union That Actually Works for You

We believe in the value of unions. That’s why the Nurses’ Professional Association of Victoria...

NPAV Case Win #1316 Threat of De-Registration Lifted

A nurse member was notified that a complaint had been made against them with AHPRA, they were...