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Nurse Safety

RUSH Founder Graeme Haycroft on 4CA Cairns

Graeme Haycroft, founder of Red Unions and Local Action Australia, criticized unions' political...

Case Win Code Black: Nursing Union stands side by side with Nurses.

A PACU Nurses Code Black Experience

A nurse's journey is often characterised by heart-warming...

NPAV Case Win #1424 NPAV Defends Nurse Against Hazardous Conditions

Empowering Nurses to Call Out Workplace Conditions

The Nurses' Professional Association of Victoria...

NPAV Case Win #1372 - Breaking the Cycle of Workplace Abuse

How NPAV Helped Our Nurse Member Regain Control

Picture this - you wake up every morning, dreading...

NPAV Case Win #1361 - From Stress to Success: How NPAv Transformed a Member's Work Environment

Standing Up Against Harassment and Bullying, Another Success Story from NPAV

Working to support a...

NPAV Case Win #1356 - NPAV Beats Bullies… again!

From a Parking Fine to the Removal of a Bullying Manager:How NPAV Empowered an Entire Team to Speak...

NPAV Case Win #1349 - Contract Chaos $18,000 WIN

Holding Employers Accountable:
How NPAV Empowers Nurse Members to Fight for Their Contractual...

NPAV Case Win #1342 - NPA Nurse Beats Bullies - WorkCover & Transfer Success

Many workplaces, particularly in healthcare, have a toxic culture. When the system is run by...